Tag Archives: human-rights

#ActForManning Free Bradley Manning Chicago July 27 2013

#ActForMannig #FreeBradley #BradleyManning #StopWarOnWhistleblowers #EdwardSnowden #SaveBrad #‎Wikileaks‬ ‪#‎FreeBrad‬ ‪#‎Manning‬ ‪#‎DefendBrad‬ ‪#‎PardonBrad‬‪#‎FreeBradleyManning‬ ‪#‎BradleyManning‬ ‪#‎DropTheCharge‬‪#‎Iraq‬ ‪#‎Afghanistan‬ ‪#‎Gitmo‬ ‪#‎Bush‬ ‪#‎Obama‬

The Boston bomb suspect’s Rolling Stone cover: Aren’t we forgetting people used to be innocent until proven guilty?

By Sophie McAdam. “”The Rolling Stone story breaks not only “traditions of journalism”, but several media laws and ethical boundaries that are crucial in a fair, free, democratic society.  Cast your mind back, if you can, to that sunny and carefree pre-911 world, where intelligent people didn’t have panic attacks over dark-skinned men on buses carrying […]

Netflix: The Big Brother and the Entertainment Manipulation

by Kate Epstein The Snowden leaks and ensuing debates about our government, big data, and privacy have led to more Orwell allusions than I’ve heard in all of my (admittedly post-1984) life. It’s hard not to compare the constant surveillance of twenty-first-century America to the ubiquitous presence of Big Brother in the prescient 1949 novel. […]