Month: September 2013


Review by Grady Harp: “”It is refreshing to visit the Israeli/Palestinian conflict form a vantage too seldom shared in cinema. Director Julian Schnabel once again proves that he understands human responses in the face of political conflict. Rula Jebreal has adapted her own novel which in turn is a biography of her involvement in the history […]


Review by Grady Harp: “”It is refreshing to visit the Israeli/Palestinian conflict form a vantage too seldom shared in cinema. Director Julian Schnabel once again proves that he understands human responses in the face of political conflict. Rula Jebreal has adapted her own novel which in turn is a biography of her involvement in the history […]

Como Laura Poitras ajudou Edward Snowden

Como Laura Poitras, que respondeu a um e-mail anônimo de Edward Snowden, o ajudou a revelar os documentos secretos da NSA By Peter Maass “”Em janeiro passado, Laura Poitras recebeu um e-mail anônimo pedindo-lhe que mandasse sua chave pública de criptografia. Já fazia quase dois anos que Laura vinha trabalhando num documentário sobre vigilância e […]

How Laura Poitras helped Edward Snowden

How Laura Poitras, who responded to an anonymous email from Edward Snowden, helped him reveal secret NSA documents By Peter Maass “”Last January, Laura Poitras received an anonymous email asking her to send her her public encryption key. Laura had been working on a documentary about surveillance and espionage for nearly two years now, and […]