Month: August 2013

The Long List of What we Know because of Manning

Written by Greg Mitchell at The Nation: “”The debate in the media, and in political circles over Edward Snowden—Right or Wrong—often doubles back on references to Pfc. Manning, who was sentenced to thirty-five years in prison on Wednesday. Too often (that is, most of the time), the value and import of the Manning/WikiLeaks disclosures are […]

The Long List of What we Know because of Manning

Written by Greg Mitchell at The Nation: “”The debate in the media, and in political circles over Edward Snowden—Right or Wrong—often doubles back on references to Pfc. Manning, who was sentenced to thirty-five years in prison on Wednesday. Too often (that is, most of the time), the value and import of the Manning/WikiLeaks disclosures are […]

Sobre a violência nas manifestações de rua, a natureza das ações do Black Bloc

By Pablo Ortellado: “”O democrático Estadão não aceita réplica para artigos de opinião, então publico por aqui minhas considerações sobre o artigo do Demétrio Magnoli que saiu na edição de ontem do jornal.  Sobre a violência nas manifestações de rua: No última quinta-feira, Demétrio Magnoli publicou no Estado de São Paulo um artigo intitulado “Nas […]

On violence in street demonstrations, the nature of the Black Bloc’s actions

By Pablo Ortellado: “”The democratic Estadão does not accept a reply for opinion articles, so I publish here my thoughts on the article by Demetrius Magnoli that appeared in yesterday’s edition of the newspaper. On violence in street demonstrations: Last Thursday, Demetrio Magnoli published in São Paulo an article entitled “On the fringes of the […]