Category: Pablo Ortellado

On violence in street demonstrations, the nature of the Black Bloc’s actions

By Pablo Ortellado: “”The democratic Estadão does not accept a reply for opinion articles, so I publish here my thoughts on the article by Demetrius Magnoli that appeared in yesterday’s edition of the newspaper. On violence in street demonstrations: Last Thursday, Demetrio Magnoli published in São Paulo an article entitled “On the fringes of the […]

Edward Snowden’s Courageous Action: Where is Brazil?

Manifestation of Pablo Ortellado to minister Gilberto Carvalho at the Government-Civil Society dialogue session at the Palácio do Planalto: “First of all, I would like to welcome the initiative for a national policy on social participation and I hope that the winds of June will allow this measure to become truly effective. I would also […]

What is going on in Brazil: From 20 cents to everything else.

From 20 cents to everything else — the struggle for the narrative in Brazil  – by Vanessa Zettler “One Brazil for all” to celebrate the reversal of a fare hike on public transportation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 20, 2013. (Flickr/Sebástian Freire) Although not isolated from the uprisings that have been taking place around the world, the […]