Category: Cinema

Elysium (2013) Review

Written, co-produced and directed by Neill Blomkamp, Elysium means a place or condition of ideal happiness. The movie happens in 2154 but it is an obvious metaphor for life on Earth nowadays. It is so obvious that when the director was asked about his science fiction, he answered “No, no, no. This isn’t science fiction. This is today. […]

Ônibus 174

Sempre ouvi sobre o sequestro do ônibus 174, mas somente agora tive a oportunidade de assistir o documentário “Ônibus 174” (2002), dirigido por José Padilha. Este incidente aconteceu em 12 de junho de 2000 e eu estava muito longe do Brasil e, por isso, minha ignorância sobre esta tragédia que não me surpreende, nossa sociedade […]

Linha de Passe, the Movie (2008)

A typical low middle class building in SP. The director is the great Walter Salles together with Daniela Thomas. The first movie (for myself) with 5 main characters. Worth watching if you appreciate Brazilian movies… or if you wanna know about Brazil. Sandra Corveloni won the Cannes award for best actress. “One is a little kid obsessed […]