Category: World Cup

What is going on in Brazil: From 20 cents to everything else.

From 20 cents to everything else — the struggle for the narrative in Brazil  – by Vanessa Zettler “One Brazil for all” to celebrate the reversal of a fare hike on public transportation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 20, 2013. (Flickr/Sebástian Freire) Although not isolated from the uprisings that have been taking place around the world, the […]

World Cup 2014 – Brazil

World Cup 2014 – Brazil

Brazilians don’t need new stadiums for the  World Cup 2014 – Brazil. What we need is education and health treatment for our people that will not be able to afford tickets to watch the games or have their lives changed by this event. Watch this video: World Cup 2014 – Brazil.