Category: Science for Lay People

Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago: Review

According to the Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, IL) “the color of an object is determined by the specific wavelengths of lights that it absorbs and reflects” but THIS IS NOT TRUE. This wrong definition is presented in the Color Booth and situated in the Science Storm Exhibition. Here are some explanations about why color […]

How to Read a Scientific Paper

When reading a Science Paper, we have to focus on identifying some basic informations. Therefore, we have to first understand how to identify each of them: Background: Every paper presents the scenario in the previous literature that left a door open, leading to the present study. Usually, the authors start talking about it in order […]

World War Z: Nice Surprise

World War Z is a junky movie but not so junky. Few things are really interesting: 0. It is not about zombies but about a lethal epidemic threat. 1. Israel is the only nation to protect themselves from the epidemic threat exactly like Jewish people were way more prepared than any other people to not […]

Political Reform and Neoconstitutionalism

According to the post-doctor in constitutional law, Daniel Sarmento, “Brazilian law has undergone profound changes in recent times, related to the emergence of a new paradigm both in legal theory and in the practice of the courts, which has been designated as “< strong>neoconstitutionalism”. These changes, which develop under the aegis of the Constitution of […]