Category: Edward Snowden

Take Action for Bradley Manning: July 27, 2013

“Please join us in what will likely be the last internationally coordinated show of support for Bradley before military judge Col. Denise Lind reads her final verdict–which we expect some time in August. On July 26 there will be a rally for Bradley Manning in Washington, DC in front of Maj. General Buchanan’s office. Buchanan is the new convening […]

Edward Snowden’s Courageous Action: Where is Brazil?

Manifestation of Pablo Ortellado to minister Gilberto Carvalho at the Government-Civil Society dialogue session at the Palácio do Planalto: “First of all, I would like to welcome the initiative for a national policy on social participation and I hope that the winds of June will allow this measure to become truly effective. I would also […]

About Snowden: I speak as an American Resident and as a Brazilian Citizen.

Today, I feel an orphan. Today, I am ashamed to be an American resident as well as a Brazilian citizen. Today, Brazil does not represent me. Today, my nation has decided to ignore the fact that Edward Snowden is asking for political exile. Today, my nation is ignoring that Snowden is one of the most […]