Category: 1984

The Fifth Estate, the Movie

“It may be decades before we understand the full impact of WikiLeaks and how it’s revolutionized the spread of information. So this film won’t claim any long view authority on its subject, or attempt any final judgment. We want to explore the complexities and challenges of transparency in the information age and, we hope, enliven […]

Como Laura Poitras ajudou Edward Snowden

Como Laura Poitras, que respondeu a um e-mail anônimo de Edward Snowden, o ajudou a revelar os documentos secretos da NSA By Peter Maass “”Em janeiro passado, Laura Poitras recebeu um e-mail anônimo pedindo-lhe que mandasse sua chave pública de criptografia. Já fazia quase dois anos que Laura vinha trabalhando num documentário sobre vigilância e […]

#ActForManning Free Bradley Manning Chicago July 27 2013

#ActForMannig #FreeBradley #BradleyManning #StopWarOnWhistleblowers #EdwardSnowden #SaveBrad #‎Wikileaks‬ ‪#‎FreeBrad‬ ‪#‎Manning‬ ‪#‎DefendBrad‬ ‪#‎PardonBrad‬‪#‎FreeBradleyManning‬ ‪#‎BradleyManning‬ ‪#‎DropTheCharge‬‪#‎Iraq‬ ‪#‎Afghanistan‬ ‪#‎Gitmo‬ ‪#‎Bush‬ ‪#‎Obama‬

Netflix: The Big Brother and the Entertainment Manipulation

by Kate Epstein The Snowden leaks and ensuing debates about our government, big data, and privacy have led to more Orwell allusions than I’ve heard in all of my (admittedly post-1984) life. It’s hard not to compare the constant surveillance of twenty-first-century America to the ubiquitous presence of Big Brother in the prescient 1949 novel. […]