Month: July 2013

How to Read a Scientific Paper

How to Read a Scientific Paper

When reading a Science Paper, we have to focus on identifying some basic informations. Therefore, we have to first understand how to identify each of them: Background: Every paper presents the scenario in the previous literature that left a door open, leading to the present study. Usually, the authors start talking about it in order […]

Do Papel Jornal para Internet: O noticiário me faz mal igual.

Do Papel Jornal para Internet: O noticiário me faz mal igual.

Quando eu tinha 20 e poucos anos, estabeleci uma rotina de acompanhar as notícias diariamente. Eu já não suportava TV, morava num pensionato de freiras na Cardoso de Almeida e, antes de ir para o ponto à espera do tenebroso “Butantã-USP”, eu atravessava a rua e comprava a Folha – o jornal que as pessoas […]

From Paper Newspaper to Internet: The news makes me just as bad.

When I was in my 20s, I established a routine of following the news daily. I couldn’t stand TV anymore, I lived in a boardinghouse for nuns on Cardoso de Almeida and, before going to the spot to wait for the tenebrous “Butantã-USP”, I would cross the street and buy Folha – the newspaper that […]

World War Z: Nice Surprise

World War Z is a junky movie but not so junky. Few things are really interesting: 0. It is not about zombies but about a lethal epidemic threat. 1. Israel is the only nation to protect themselves from the epidemic threat exactly like Jewish people were way more prepared than any other people to not […]