Month: July 2013

Malala’s Forgotten Sisters – by Adriana Carranca

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, Pakistan — At only 12, Nazia lives in expectation of the worst. As I step through the doorway of the humble compound her parents share with two other families in the Pashtun lands of northwest Pakistan, her small, fragile body trembles unwittingly. She knew I was coming, but learned too young to trust no […]

The real culprit behind the Bolsa Família rumor – By Gregory Duff Morton

Two weeks before the series of demonstrations that erupted across the country, the streets were filled with another 900,000 people also anxious, people who also expressed their fears and desires and thus questioned the direction of the country. Many of them did not have Facebook and were not young; they came from the poorest part […]

O verdadeiro culpado do boato sobre o Bolsa Família – By Gregory Duff Morton

Duas semanas antes da série de manifestações que pipocaram pelo país, as ruas estavam cheias de outras 900.000 pessoas também ansiosas, pessoas que também expressavam seus medos e desejos e assim questionavam o rumo do país. Muitas delas não tinham Facebook e não eram jovens; elas vinham da parcela mais pobre da população brasileira. Elas foram para […]

Bradley Manning’s Defense

Bradley Manning’s Defense

Star Witness Yochai Benkler at Bradley Manning’s Defense: “On the final day of Bradley Manning’s defense’s case, Harvard Law Professor and renowned scholar Yochai Benkler testified about how the Internet has transformed journalism’s function in a democracy and why WikiLeaks should be considered a legitimate news organization that is devoted to exposing corruption. He testified that […]