Category: Science for Lay People

Ultimatum (1917) by Álvaro de Campos and Maria Bethânia

Maria Bethânia performing her Ultimatum selection at Teatro Guaira, Curitiba, on March 17, 2007: [youtube=] ” Mandato de despejo aos mandarins do mundo Fora tu, reles esnobe plebeu E fora tu, imperialista das sucatas Charlatão da sinceridade e tu, da juba socialista, e tu, qualquer outro Ultimatum a todos eles E a todos que sejam […]

The Eskimo Snow Vocabulary Hoax

It is well known that humans have an eagerness to embrace exotic facts, and here we have an old hoax that is still believed to be true by many of us: the Eskimos and their dozens or even hundreds of different grades of snow. Some people still believe that Eskimos are able to perceive more […]

Vision with Cell Transplant in the Retina [Visão com Transplante de Célula na Retina]

It was published in Nature April 18 2012, a study that suggests that transplanting photoreceptors – nerve cells that line the back of the eye sensitive to light – could form the basis of a new treatment to restore sight in people with retinal degenerative diseases. Loss of photoreceptors is the cause of blindness in many human […]