Category: Altruism

We need Heroes. Let’s create them! [Precisamos de mais Heróis. Então, vamos criá-los!]

Heroes and evils are opposite extremes in the general population and are both very rare. The majority of the population does nothing but if so, they do without any imagination, just going with the flow. In other words, the key to figure out if you are going to follow Gandhi or Hitler is way more […]

Jolie is way more than just a Hollywood star, and she proves it “In the land of blood and honey”

Watch it in Bosnian with subtitles in English. It is way better! “What Angelina Jolie has accomplished in “In the Land of Blood and Honey” is both impressive and unexpected.” – Kenneth Turan “Jolie is impressive in its lack of directorial flourishes: it feels like a film born out of scrupulous research and deeply felt conviction.” […]