Month: August 2013

Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago: Crítica

De acordo com o Museu de Ciência e Indústria de Chicago, “a cor de um objeto é determinada pela absorção específica e reflexão dos comprimentos de onda”, mas isso não é verdade. Esta definição errônea é apresentada no “Color Booth” que faz parte da Exposição “Science Storms”.  Aqui estão algumas explicações sobre o porquê da […]

Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago: Crítica

According to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, “the color of an object is determined by its specific absorption and reflection wavelengths,” but this is not true. This erroneous definition is presented in the “Color Booth” which is part of the “Science Storms” Exhibition. Here are some explanations for why color is not exclusively […]

Today is Father’s Day in Brazil

  In Brazil, more than 200 thousand children cannot celebrate Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. They are invisible, living in orphanages, and have between 4 and 19 years old with almost zero chance to get a foster parent. Those that are homeless living on streets are quite disturbing. What Brazilians do? They Close the car […]

Today is Father’s Day in Brazil

  In Brazil, more than 200 thousand children cannot celebrate Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. They are invisible, living in orphanages, and have between 4 and 19 years old with almost zero chance to get a foster parent. Those that are homeless living on streets are quite disturbing. What Brazilians do? They Close the car […]