Month: July 2013

World War Z: Nice Surprise

World War Z: Nice Surprise

World War Z is a junky movie but not so junky. Few things are really interesting: 0. It is not about zombies but about a lethal epidemic threat. 1. Israel is the only nation to protect themselves from the epidemic threat exactly like Jewish people were way more prepared than any other people to not […]

About Snowden: I speak as an American Resident and as a Brazilian Citizen.

Today, I feel an orphan. Today, I am ashamed to be an American resident as well as a Brazilian citizen. Today, Brazil does not represent me. Today, my nation has decided to ignore the fact that Edward Snowden is asking for political exile. Today, my nation is ignoring that Snowden is one of the most […]

About Snowden: I speak as an American Resident and as a Brazilian Citizen.

About Snowden: I speak as an American Resident and as a Brazilian Citizen.

Today, I feel an orphan. Today, I am ashamed to be an American resident as well as a Brazilian citizen. Today, Brazil does not represent me. Today, my nation has decided to ignore the fact that Edward Snowden is asking for political exile. Today, my nation is ignoring that Snowden is one of the most […]