House of the Stars: The Universe told by Children
Casa das Estrelas: The Universe told by Children, organized by Javier Naranjo, is a dictionary made by children. Some examples of the definitions written by the children:
Adult: A person who, in every thing he speaks, speaks first of himself (Andrés Felipe Bedoya, 8 years old)
old man: He’s a man who sits all day (Maryluz Arbeláez, 9 years old)
Water: Transparency that can be taken (Tatiana Ramírez, 7 years old)
White: White is a color that doesn’t paint (Jonathan Ramírez, 11 years old)
Farmer: a peasant has no home, no money. only your children (Luis Alberto Ortiz, 8 years old)
Sky: where does the day come from (Duván Arnulfo Arango, 8 years old)
Colombia: It’s a football match (Diego Giraldo, 8 years old)
Money: Something of interest to others with which you make friends and, without it, you make enemies (Ana María Noreña, 12 years old)
War: People who kill themselves for a piece of land or peace (Juan Carlos Mejía, 11 years old)
Envy: throw stones at friends (Alejandro Tobón, 7 years old)
church: Where the person will forgive God (Natalia Bueno, 7 years old)
Moon: It’s what gives us the night (Leidy Johanna García, 8 years old)
Mother: Mom understands and then go to sleep (Juan Alzate, 6 years old)
Peace: when the person forgives himself (Juan Camilo Hurtado, 8 years old)
Sex: It’s a person who kisses on top of another (Luisa Pates, 8 years old)
Loneliness: Sadness that gives a person sometimes (Iván Darío López, 10 years old)
Time: thing that passes to remember (Jorge Armando, 8 years old)
Universe: house of stars (Carlos Gómez, 12 years old)
Violence: bad part of peace (Sara Martínez, 7 years old)
To download the free book and in this photo (below), the Colombian poet Javier Naranjo (1956-) with his collaborating writers: