One in Four College Women have Survived Rape or Attempted Rape in their Lifetime
One in four college women have survived either rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. The US Department of Justice published a study in 2006 of over 4,000 college women. In that survey, 3% of those women had survived rape or attempted rape in a 7 month academic year, alone. An additional 21% had survived rape or attempted rape at some point in their lives prior to that academic year. When you take those two figures and add them up – the 3 and the 21 – you get 24%, or roughly one in four.
Tjaden, P. & Thoennes, N. (2006). Prevalence, incidence, and consequences of violence against women: Findings from the national violence against women survey. Research in Brief, Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice.