Mind- and Soul-Talk, the dichotomy is still alive!
The author Russell Bishop of the post “Self-Talk Vs Soul-Talk: Is It All Just Psychobabble?” states that psychology nowadays is not real psychology and instead it is “psychobabble”, and revises few principles that he says they are frequently dismissed in a “psychobabble”.
As a person who is frequently going to a therapist since 18 years old,
I would say that the reasons why we search for a therapy are:
– To Create Our Own Experience of Life;
– To Take Charge of Our Lives;
– We Are Aware the We Are our Own Worst Critic;
– To Learn to Listen to the Quiet Voice of Our Deep Emotions (“Soul-Talk”);
Therefore, the reasons why we look for a therapy are exactly the
frequently dismissed questions in a “psychobabble” according to the author
Russell Bishop.
Moreover, he asks us if we are listening to our mind or soul. Come on!
Is he still living in a dihcotomic world? Our mind is our soul, and
vice-versa. If we have soul after death, we have to remember that, while alive, our soul is our mind.
The article “Self-Talk Vs Soul-Talk: Is It All Just Psychobabble?” is a misleading interpretation of the importance of a therapy in our lives. It is a shame because many people who really needs therapy are guided by this kind of “Mind-Talk” – because the article has nothing about “Soul-Talk”. It is exactly the opposite
because instead of marrying Mind-Soul, he states for the divorce.
Therapy is a painful process, and not easy at all – as well as it doesn’t mean that everybody is going to have courage to follow their deep emotions and dreams (“Soul-Talk”). We need courage to face our “Soul-Talk” as well as we need a lot of courage to live in synchrony with them, and this is exactly what a “psychobabble” does. But if we are going to do what we have to do for our “Soul-Talk”, it is our own responsibility. The “psychobabble” is one opportunity but it is not the only one. I have pity for this author – he is blinded by the old fashioned dihcotomic interpretation of the world. It seems that he is still hanging out with Descartes despite the fact that the later is dead…

If you are curious, here is the link for the reason of this post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russell-bishop/soultalk-is-it-all-just-p_b_1090988.html?ref=happiness
3 Replies to “Mind- and Soul-Talk, the dichotomy is still alive!”
I am of the opinion that the mind and soul are seperate entities. The mind makes interpretations and uses logic and reacts. The soul operates on a higher plane that the mind cannot understand. Through the soul we learn things and then can teach the mind how to practice in a way that follows decisions made by the soul. Big fan of therapy though so no criticism on that one. I have a free therapist if you need her number- she is really, really good!:)
I never answered your comment because it seems that we will never agree… But it is okay, we agree to disagree! It is already a lot!
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