Being normal is not necessarily being healthy


When it comes to vitamin D, no one could be satisfied with being within the normal level because it has to be at the optimal level, that is, at least above average. But few people understand the seriousness of the matter and, in general, mothers insist on smearing their children with sunscreen, preventing exposure to the sun that is so necessary for the production of vitamin D. As a result, 50% of children aged 1st. 5 years and 70% of children between 6 and 11 years have vitamin D deficient or insufficient. You need to get some sun without sunscreen.

Overall, 50% of the world’s population has some vitamin D insufficiency. The scenario worsens with age and it is estimated that more than 95% of older Americans may be vitamin D deficient because they spend a lot of time indoors, and therefore produce less vitamin D in response to sun exposure. A person over 70 years of age produces about 30% less vitamin D than a younger person with the same exposure to the sun.

Vitamin D is not a vitamin itself but a steroid hormone that should be fully produced in response to sun exposure, but often supplemented by oral intake. Contrary to popular belief, foods rich in vitamin D are not sufficient to maintain desirable levels. Symptoms of vitamin D insufficiency include tiredness, lack of energy, depression, bowel problems, bone pain, sweating in the head, being overweight or obese. Any of these signs could be indicative of vitamin D levels below healthy. People over 50 or people with darker skin are at least 10 times more likely to have vitamin D insufficiency. The message that remains is this: when it comes to vitamin D, it’s not enough to be normal to be healthy.

Written by Feitosa-Santana

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